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Exchanging Theatre Tokens

You are about to exchange your Theatre Token (s) for an equivalent value voucher for the venue below which will be emailed to you and can then be used online to complete your ticket purchase.

How much do you want to exchange?

For paper Theatre Tokens you should chose this option

* Required

  • To exchange a gift card, eGift or paper Theatre Token (issued after 2018) enter the 16 digit Theatre Token number and the 4 digit pin found underneath the scratch off panel.
  • For paper Theatre Tokens issued between 2008 and 2018, enter the alphanumeric token number and the final 4 digits underneath the 'void if removed' scratch off panel.
  • Paper Theatre Tokens with no scratch off panel will first need to be replaced with a new eGift. Please visit the Theatre Tokens website for details about how to do this.
  • Please only use the full balance of any paper Theatre Token you enter. Gift card or eGift Theatre Tokens can be used in part or full.

Token ending
Current Balance
Amount to Redeem
Balance after Redeemed

Your Theatre Royal Stratford East Voucher will be send to your email address, please ensure you enter this correctly
